“He aquí un acto romántico (Behold A Romantic Act) by Richard Mascherin, or how to leave the public “disarmed” with a small/medium format show. [...] It focused on putting us before a series of images and sentences so that what we have not yet achieved even if we want to give it a name, we can at least synthesize it with “photographs” and with sequences that became so cinematic. , that it seems that one was facing a diffuse memory or in the middle of a dream.”


“The premiere of Here’s A Romantic Act by Richard Mascherin will be an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of someone who is called to star on the Spanish contemporary scene.”

            TIME NEWS.

“The Canary Islands choreographer Richard Mascherin has proposed an analysis of the emotional consequences of a physical fall. “What hurts more, a blow or a kiss on the lips”, a highly topical reflection that addresses the relationship between violence and love and romantic love focused from the toxic perspective”

            EUROPA PRESS.

“The Canarian choreographer Richard Mascherin delves into the idea of physical and emotional fall in his new proposal.”

            TE INTERESA.

“Richard Mascherin investigates the idea of romantic love through three characters played by Lucía Montes, Javier Mario Salcedo and Mascherin himself.”

            TOP CULTURAL.

“The montage investigates different aspects of human relationships, such as the end and the beginning that can arise from an accident, the comparison of the pain of a blow with that of a kiss, the line that separates hate and love or the possibility of falling next to someone.”

            TIME OUT.

“Falling, failing and the fates that befall us in Mascherin’s poetically staged physical fable”


“Falls are inevitable. The artist returns to his childhood through the impact on his audiovisual creation ‘Caer, Caer, Cair’, a piece about vulnerability and failure.”

            EL PAÍS.

“The pleasure of pain” - METAL MAGAZINE. “We saw Richard Mascherin challenge the laws of gravity with Fall, fall, fall.”


“Mascherin pushes the stability of his body to the limit until, inevitably, it disappears, leaving room for the fall, for the loss of control. Are we not constantly struggling between a continuous “fall and recovery”?


“Being able to enjoy this project in nothing less than the symphony hall of the Tenerife Auditorium, gives the sound its own meaning along with the rest of the aspects of the presentation.”

            CASA CANARIAS.

FALL, FALL, FALL pousse the corps à losing the control, in a voyage vers le chaos et l'échec.

            THEY PARISIEN.